
How ERinfo’s New Technology Helps EMTs with Pre-Hospital Admissions

December 3, 2022

As a first responder, you never know what to expect when you show up at a call. From determining what has happened to a patient, to needing to provide emergency care in an instant, it can be chaotic to say the least. Here at ERinfo, our innovative medical ID for EMTs can help save precious…

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How ERinfo Can Help Prepare You For a Natural Disaster

November 16, 2022

Emergencies can happen at unexpected times, but are more common when a natural disaster occurs. Power can go out to cause a hospital to fail, and first responders need to react quickly out in the field now with the added pressure of inclement weather . Whether it is a natural disaster that you have prepared…

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How On-Scene EMS Access to Past Medical History Using ERinfo May Improve Care

October 14, 2022

If you are like most people, you probably don’t think about your medical history until you need it. However, if you happen to have an emergency, it would be extremely beneficial for paramedics to have access to your past medical history. ERinfo is the most innovative medical ID ever, that provides real-time access to medical…

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How ER Info Helps With Medical IDs For Those With Alzheimer’s

September 8, 2022

If you are a relative or caregiver of someone with Alzheimer’s Disease, then you know just how important it is to have accurate and up-to-date information on hand in case of an emergency. An emergency could happen at anytime, from urgent hospitalizations to elopements, so having ERinfo can help medical professionals provide the best possible…

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Back to School: Staying Safe With ERinfo

August 2, 2022

As college students, we are constantly inundated with new responsibilities and challenges. One of the most important things we have to manage is our own safety. Whether we’re living on campus or off, there are always risks that could lead to dangerous situations. If you are looking for a way to stay safe while staying…

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Older Couple hugging By The Beach

Why Parents Refuse to Wear Medical IDs

June 14, 2022

When it comes to medical IDs, there are a lot of misconceptions about what they are and what they do. A lot of people think that medical IDs are only for people who have life-threatening allergies or conditions. However, this is not the case! Medical IDs can be beneficial for everyone, regardless of age or…

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In ambulance

When Will You Need ERinfo?

March 8, 2022

In order for medical personnel to provide the best possible care for their patient, they need to know things like allergies and blood type. Information that might be impossible to know if the patient is unable to communicate. With an ERinfo membership, first responders can simply take a picture of a person and, using medical identification…

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Medical Alert Bracelet vs. ERinfo

February 10, 2022

ERinfo is changing the way people prepare for medical emergencies. For decades, medical alert bracelets have been the only way that first responders could identify a patient and gain invaluable medical information. Now, with our new medical identification technology, we can do so much more. Learn more about how ERinfo compares to medical alert bracelets.

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What’s more important than a resolution? Saving Your Life.

January 5, 2022

It’s that time of year again, where people are flocking to the gym, making reading goals, and trying to find out what their new hobby will be… until February.  New Year’s resolutions can certainly be worthwhile.  However, the hard numbers say that they just don’t tend to last.  This January, what if you decided to…

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Membership Plan Information for ERinfo Medical Alerts

August 23, 2021

ERinfo is a software company dedicated to saving lives and empowering first responders and medical professionals. With an ERinfo membership plan, patients can be instantly identified with facial recognition, as well as have all of their medical information readily available. This allows for quicker and better treatment, making it easier for first responders to save…

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