Most Innovative Medical ID. Ever.
Anywhere, Anytime Patient Identification, Information & Emergency Contact Notification
Why Should Emergency Care & Support Be Part Of Your Benefits Package?
Better benefits attract and retain employees
People are at the core of every business. ERinfo improves emergency outcomes, reduces costs and makes it easy to help employers take care of their people.
Emergency care & support is a high value, low cost benefit for your group programs
Help employees prepare for emergencies with a universal benefit that is simple, affordable, can be used by their families and features easy enrollment.
Employees experience concern and anxiety about emergencies
The benefits of ERinfo's easy to understand and simple to use Medical ID platform delivers peace of mind and can help save the life of an employee or their family members.
Medical Emergencies By The Numbers:
35M 911 medical calls/year
>145M ER visits/year
22% of people in the USA visit an ER/year
<3% of the people that need a Medical ID have or use them including:
- 29M Diabetics
- 15M Food/Animal/Drug Allergies
- 12M Cognitively Impaired
- 3M Epileptics
ERinfo speaks for Patients when they cannot!
- ERinfo connects Emergency Responders to patients’ critical information in real-time using its patented facial recognition platform and FirstNet.Gov‘s wireless network for public safety agencies.
ERinfo engages your patients to plan for emergencies by providing a platform to share:
- Medical Conditions / Medications / Allergies
- Emergency Contacts
- Advanced Directives, etc.
Our Goals Are Aligned
Benefit Providers
Many benefit providers and PEOs are looking to extend their reach by differentiating their products and services to access more meaningful touchpoints.
Using digital tools, benefit providers and PEOs can uncover valuable insights, lower costs and improve employee engagement and participation.

Provides tools for benefit providers, pharmacies, health insurers, medical professionals and public safety agencies to prepare and help people during emergencies.
ERinfo modernizes the Medical ID market with its patented and disruptive technology to connect emergency responders with an employees critical information during emergencies. ERinfo drives engagement, improves participation and reduces costs.

During an emergency, the employee's picture is taken by first responders using their mobile device and sent to ERinfo.

ERinfo matches the employee's photo and first responders are instantly updated with the medical information you provided.

With the press of a button, first responders can notify your employees emergency contacts by phone and text.
ERinfo Is Available Nationwide On FirstNet
FirstNet® is America's public safety communications platform designed with and for public safety and first responders.
Built with AT&T, in public-private partnership with the First Responder Network Authority, FirstNet® is bringing public safety a much-needed technology upgrade to help them connect to the critical information they need – every day and in every emergency.

ERinfo Is FirstNet Certified
As a FirstNet Certified™ App, you know that ERinfoPRO for FirstNet™, has passed the highest levels of FirstNet® review and certification.
After thorough inspection by FirstNet, ERinfo demonstrated:
- It is directly relevant to first responders
- Its code and binary are highly secure with a high degree of data protection
- It has a history of being at least four 9’s available (99.99%)
- It is resilient and scalable in cases of failure and peak demand
ERinfo + Your Digital Benefits Platform Helps Connect Employees To Resources They Need Along Their Employment Journey

ERinfo Can Help Drive Employee Participation And Use Of Your Digital Benefits Platform
Learn How ERinfo Can increase Employee Engagement And How ERinfo Can Integrate With Your Digital Group Benefits Platform!
Contact us now to schedule a demo
Does Earlier Access To Employee Information Produce Better Outcomes In Medical Emergencies?