Anywhere, Anytime Patient Identification, Information & Emergency Contact Notification
ERinfo. Most Innovative Medical ID. Ever.

Why Medical IDs Should Be Part Of Your Consumer Engagement Strategy?
Because nurturing relationships is the best way to grow your business
In an era where disruptive marketing and customer-centric approaches drive business, creating brand loyalty is crucial for your pharmacy's success and profits.
Giving your customers the feeling they are being cared for is critical to creating a satisfying and engaging experience.
Because a digital Medical ID is a high value, low cost product every pharmacy should feature
Brand loyalty isn’t just influenced by price or features anymore, but rather by the complete experience you provide your consumers with.
Helping consumers prepare for and during emergencies shows you care. During their moments of greatest medical need, your brand is there.
Because consumers experience concern and anxiety about emergencies
Emergency care and support is one of the highest consumer health concerns. It's an opportunity where your advocacy can help demonstrate care and build trust.
Most pharmacies have adopted digital health platforms - ERinfo can drive use and engagement through the unique way it addresses a consumers prime emotional health concern.
Medical Emergencies By The Numbers:
35M 911 medical calls/year
>145M ER visits/year
22% of people in the USA visit an ER/year
<3% of the people that need a Medical ID have or use them including:
- 29M Diabetics
- 15M Food/Animal/Drug Allergies
- 12M Cognitively Impaired
- 3M Epileptics
ERinfo speaks for Patients when they cannot!
- ERinfo connects Emergency Responders to patients’ critical information in real-time using its patented facial recognition platform and FirstNet.Gov‘s wireless network for public safety agencies.
ERinfo engages your patients to plan for emergencies by providing a platform to share:
- Medical Conditions / Medications / Allergies
- Emergency Contacts
- Advanced Directives, etc.
Our Goals Are Aligned
Pharmacies are expanding the services they provide their customers in an effort to become a more integral part of their healthcare journey.
Expanding the benefits a pharmacy's digital platform provides helps drive customer engagement and loyalty. Most importantly, it helps the pharmacist become an advocate for the customer when they are at their moments of greatest need.

Provides tools for health benefit providers, pharmacies, medical professionals and public safety agencies to prepare and help people during emergencies.
ERinfo modernizes the Medical ID market with its patented and disruptive technology to connect emergency responders with a patient's critical information during emergencies. ERinfo drives engagement, improves outcomes and reduces costs.
ERinfo Is Available Nationwide On FirstNet
FirstNet® is America's public safety communications platform designed with and for public safety and first responders.
Built with AT&T, in public-private partnership with the First Responder Network Authority, FirstNet® is bringing public safety a much-needed technology upgrade to help them connect to the critical information they need – every day and in every emergency.

ERinfo Is FirstNet Certified
As a FirstNet Certified™ App, you know that ERinfoPRO for FirstNet™, has passed the highest levels of FirstNet® review and certification.
After thorough inspection by FirstNet, ERinfo demonstrated:
- It is directly relevant to first responders
- Its code and binary are highly secure with a high degree of data protection
- It has a history of being at least four 9’s available (99.99%)
- It is resilient and scalable in cases of failure and peak demand
Complete Pharmacy Program Support
Point of Purchase
Inserts & Mailers
E-Mail & Newsletters
Learn How ERinfo Can Integrate With Your Digital Pharmacy Platform To Help Build Customer Loyalty And Help Drive Sales.
Contact us now to schedule a demo