Simplify Patient Tracking, Victim Reunification & Evacuation Management for Mass Casualty Incidents (MCI) with ERinfoPRO
Our patented, scalable, cloud-based technology
uses victim photos to provide:
• Patientidentification and tracking that begins on location
• Identifying & reuniting patients with families
• Tracking location and destination of patients
• Updating and tracking patient triage status
• Information available to EMS, Hospitals & Incident
Managersin real time

Importance of identifying & tracking patients during a MCI:
- Improves the delivery of patient care
- Reduce psychological impact on patients and families
- Simplifies & accelerates the family reunification process
- Reduces duplication and inefficient use of resources
- Compiles information for post-incident analysis
- Provides documentation for financial reimbursement
ERinfoPRO is:
- HIPPA, FERPA & GDPR compliant
- FirstNet Certified by the federal government & available to credentialed EMS nationally
- Can be integrated with other systems
- Enhances ERinfoPRO’s – Anywhere, Anytime Patient Recognition, Medical Information and Emergency Notification platform
- Scalable & Accessible: works locally, regionally, nationally & internationally
- Intuitive – Requires only minutes to learn
ERinfoPRO uses photos to identify patients, access & update their location, reunify them with family, & access available medical information
- Initial photo is taken on scene
- Record with Incident ID, Transport ID, Destination and Patient Status is created
- ERinfoPRO automatically tracks location and time

Learn How ERinfo Can Increase Member Engagement And Reduce Costs During Emergencies!
Contact us now to schedule a demo
Does Earlier Patient Identification Really Produce Better Outcomes And Reduce Costs?