Simplify Evacuation Management with On-site and Remote Updating of Information!
Patients and people are identified, tracked, triaged, and reunited
throughout an evacuation using their picture!
• FirstNet Certified, meeting the government’s requirements for
security, scalability and reliability
• Independent authentication for public safety agents and hospital
personnel provided by FirstNet during evacuations
• Compliant HIPAA, FERPA & GDPR
• Seamlessly share information between your facility and public
safety agencies
• Designed for patients, employees and visitors
• Collectively identify, track and update patient and people status
in real-time, using their pictures
• Update information on-scene and at remote locations
• No special supplies or equipment needed (no tags, no barcodes)
• ERinfoPRO runs on iOS or Android devices & current browsers

ERinfoPRO’s Evacuation Mode is ideal for:
- Healthcare facilities
- Natural disaster response
- Family reunification centers
- Large public gatherings
- Mass casualty incidents
- Routine EMS calls
Intuitive & Simple to Use
- Photo or picture initiates identification
- Subsequent photos used to update and track
- Incident dashboard provides situational
awareness during evacuation - Authorized medical personnel can identify or
update information on scene or remotely - On-demand and automatic notifications
sent by text and email
Learn How ERinfo Can Improve Evacuation Management And Reduce Costs During Emergencies!
Contact us now to schedule a demo
Does Earlier Patient Identification Really Produce Better Outcomes And Reduce Costs?